Post-Swim Recipes

Sliced up pig in a blanket on the shore of Windermere

A Massive Pig in a Blanket

How about a massive pig in a blanket as a post swim treat for your next swim? This recipe is so simple and easy. All you need is 2 ingredients!

A Massive Pig in a Blanket

How about a massive pig in a blanket as a post swim treat for your next swim? This recipe is so simple and easy. All you need is 2 ingredients!

Parkin Cake Recipe


Parkin cake has its origins in Yorkshire, with its first published sighting in 1728, and in Leeds, 5th of November is known as Parkin Night.


Parkin cake has its origins in Yorkshire, with its first published sighting in 1728, and in Leeds, 5th of November is known as Parkin Night.

Oatmeal Biscuits at Crummock Water

Oatmeal Biscuits

The SAS members of the post swim biscuit collective... DIP ME AGAIN! AND AGAIN! 

Oatmeal Biscuits

The SAS members of the post swim biscuit collective... DIP ME AGAIN! AND AGAIN! 

Rock Buns Recipe

Rock Buns

Nana, her Be-Ro book, Rock Buns and my first paddles into open water dipping.

Rock Buns

Nana, her Be-Ro book, Rock Buns and my first paddles into open water dipping.

Peppermint Slice Cake

Peppermint Slice

Mint and chocolate together is in some ways a bit like cold water swimming. Hear me out on this one...

Peppermint Slice

Mint and chocolate together is in some ways a bit like cold water swimming. Hear me out on this one...

Banana Bread

Banana Bread

Did you know, botanically speaking, bananas are actually berries, not fruit!

Banana Bread

Did you know, botanically speaking, bananas are actually berries, not fruit!

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